Monte Carlo insert

Here, a Monte Carlo simulation is implemented in the Grand Canonical ensemble, where the number of atoms in the system fluctuates. The principle of the simulation resembles the Monte Carlo move from Monte Carlo displace:

  • 1) We start from a given initial configuration, and measure the potential energy, \(E_\text{pot}^\text{initial}\).

  • 2) A random number is chosen, and depending on its value, either a new particle will try to be inserted, or an existing particle will try to be deleted.

  • 3) The energy of the system after the insertion/deletion, \(E_\text{pot}^\text{trial}\), is measured.

  • 4) We then decide to keep or reject the move by calculating the difference in energy between the trial and the initial configurations: \(\Delta E = E_\text{pot}^\text{trial} - E_\text{pot}^\text{initial}\).

    1. Steps 1-4 are repeated a large number of times, generating a broad range of possible configurations.


Let us add the following method called monte_carlo_exchange to the MonteCarlo class:

def monte_carlo_exchange(self):
    if self.desired_mu is not None:
        # The first step is to make a copy of the previous state
        # Since atoms numbers are evolving, its also important to store the
        # neighbor, sigma, and epsilon lists
        self.Epot = self.compute_potential() # TOFIX: not necessary every time
        initial_positions = copy.deepcopy(self.atoms_positions)
        initial_number_atoms = copy.deepcopy(self.number_atoms)
        initial_neighbor_lists = copy.deepcopy(self.neighbor_lists)
        initial_sigma_lists = copy.deepcopy(self.sigma_ij_list)
        initial_epsilon_lists = copy.deepcopy(self.epsilon_ij_list)
        # Apply a 50-50 probability to insert or delete
        insert_or_delete = np.random.random()
        if np.random.random() < insert_or_delete:
        if np.random.random() < self.acceptation_probability: # accepted move
            # Update the success counters
            if np.random.random() < insert_or_delete:
                self.successful_insert += 1
                self.successful_delete += 1
            # Reject the new position, revert to inital position
            self.neighbor_lists = initial_neighbor_lists
            self.sigma_ij_list = initial_sigma_lists
            self.epsilon_ij_list = initial_epsilon_lists
            self.atoms_positions = initial_positions
            self.number_atoms = initial_number_atoms
            # Update the failed counters
            if np.random.random() < insert_or_delete:
                self.failed_insert += 1
                self.failed_delete += 1

First, the potential energy is calculated, and the current state of the simulation, such as positions and atom numbers, is saved. Then, an insertion trial or a deletion trial is made, each with a probability of 0.5. The monte_carlo_insert and monte_carlo_delete methods, which are implemented below, both calculate the acceptance_probability. A random number is selected, and if that number is larger than the acceptance probability, the system reverts to its previous position. If the random number is lower than the acceptance probability, nothing happens, meaning that the last trial is accepted.

Then, let us write the monte_carlo_insert() method:

def monte_carlo_insert(self):
    self.number_atoms[self.inserted_type] += 1
    new_atom_position = np.random.random(3)*np.diff(self.box_boundaries).T \
        - np.diff(self.box_boundaries).T/2
    shift_id = 0
    for N in self.number_atoms[:self.inserted_type]:
        shift_id += N
    self.atoms_positions = np.vstack([self.atoms_positions[:shift_id],
    trial_Epot = self.compute_potential()
    Lambda = self.calculate_Lambda(self.atom_mass[self.inserted_type])
    beta =  1/self.desired_temperature
    Nat = np.sum(self.number_atoms) # Number atoms, should it really be N? of N (type) ?
    Vol =[:3]) # box volume
    # dimension of 3 is enforced in the power of the Lambda
    self.acceptation_probability = np.min([1, Vol/(Lambda**3*Nat) \

After trying to insert a new particle, neighbor lists and cross coefficients must be re-evaluated. Then, the acceptance probability is calculated.

Let us add the very similar monte_carlo_delete() method:

def monte_carlo_delete(self):
    # Pick one atom to delete randomly
    atom_id = np.random.randint(self.number_atoms[self.inserted_type])
    self.number_atoms[self.inserted_type] -= 1
    if self.number_atoms[self.inserted_type] > 0:
        shift_id = 0
        for N in self.number_atoms[:self.inserted_type]:
            shift_id += N
        self.atoms_positions = np.delete(self.atoms_positions, shift_id+atom_id, axis=0)
        trial_Epot = self.compute_potential()
        Lambda = self.calculate_Lambda(self.atom_mass[self.inserted_type])
        beta =  1/self.desired_temperature
        Nat = np.sum(self.number_atoms) # Number atoms, should it really be N? of N (type) ?
        Vol =[:3]) # box volume
        # dimension of 3 is enforced in the power of the Lambda
        self.acceptation_probability = np.min([1, (Lambda**3 *(Nat-1)/Vol) \
        print("Error: no more atoms to delete")

Complete the __init__ method as follows:

class MonteCarlo(Measurements):
    def __init__(self,
                displace_mc = None,
                desired_mu = None,
                inserted_type = 0,


class MonteCarlo(Measurements):
    def __init__(self,
        self.displace_mc = displace_mc
        self.desired_mu = desired_mu
        self.inserted_type = inserted_type

Let us also normalize the “desired_mu”:

class MonteCarlo(Measurements):
    def __init__(self,
        self.nondimensionalize_units(["desired_temperature", "displace_mc"])
        self.successful_move = 0
        self.failed_move = 0
        self.successful_insert = 0
        self.failed_insert = 0
        self.successful_delete = 0
        self.failed_delete = 0

Finally, the monte_carlo_exchange() method must be included in the run:

def run(self):

We need to calculate \(\Lambda\):

def calculate_Lambda(self, mass):
    """Estimate the de Broglie wavelength."""
    T = self.desired_temperature  # N
    return 1/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*mass*T)

To output the density, let us add the following method to the Measurements class:

def calculate_density(self):
    """Calculate the mass density."""
    # TOFIX: not used yet
    volume =[:3])  # Unitless
    total_mass = np.sum(self.atoms_mass)  # Unitless
    return total_mass/volume  # Unitless

Test the code

One can use a similar test as previously, but with an imposed chemical potential desired_mu:

from MonteCarlo import MonteCarlo
from pint import UnitRegistry
ureg = UnitRegistry()
import os

# Define atom number of each group
nmb_1= 50
# Define LJ parameters (sigma)
sig_1 = 3*ureg.angstrom
# Define LJ parameters (epsilon)
eps_1 = 0.1*ureg.kcal/ureg.mol
# Define atom mass
mss_1 = 10*ureg.gram/ureg.mol
# Define box size
L = 20*ureg.angstrom
# Define a cut off
rc = 2.5*sig_1
# Pick the desired temperature
T = 300*ureg.kelvin
# choose the desired_mu
desired_mu = -3*ureg.kcal/ureg.mol

# Initialize the prepare object
mc = MonteCarlo(
    ureg = ureg,
    epsilon=[eps_1], # kcal/mol
    sigma=[sig_1], # A
    atom_mass=[mss_1], # g/mol
    box_dimensions=[L, L, L], # A
    desired_temperature=T, # K
    desired_mu = desired_mu,

# Test function using pytest
def test_output_files():
    assert os.path.exists("Outputs/"), \
    "Test failed: dump file was not created"
    assert os.path.exists("Outputs/simulation.log"), \
    "Test failed: log file was not created"
    print("Test passed")

# If the script is run directly, execute the tests
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import pytest
    # Run pytest programmatically
    pytest.main(["-s", __file__])

The evolution of the potential energy as a function of the number of steps is written in the Outputs/Epot.dat.