Setting Up the Simulation

To streamline the simulation process, all user-specified parameters will be nondimensionalized. By removing units from the calculations, we simplify complex operations like force evaluation, making the code more efficient, and easier to manage. This nondimensionalization is handled within the Prepare class.

While this step may not be the most thrilling aspect of the simulation, it is essential groundwork that will significantly ease our work as we progress.

Unit systems

In this code, two unit systems are employed: real and LJ, with LJ standing for Lennard-Jones. The real unit system is used for both inputs and outputs, while the LJ unit system is used for all internal calculations.

The real unit system follows the conventions outlined in the LAMMPS unit systems:

  • Masses are in grams per mole,

  • Distances are in Ångströms,

  • Time is in femtoseconds,

  • Energies are in kcal/mol,

  • Velocities are in Ångströms per femtosecond,

  • Forces are in (kcal/mol)/Ångström,

  • Temperature is in Kelvin,

  • Pressure is in atmospheres,

  • Density is in g/cm3.

The real unit system is conventional in molecular simulations. However, using such a complex unit system for calculations would involve cumbersome prefactors. To simplify, the LJ unit system is used for all calculations. In the LJ unit system, all quantities are dimensionless. Masses, distances, and energies are expressed as multiples of \(m\), \(\sigma\), and \(\epsilon\), which represent the mass and LJ parameters of the atoms. Other quantities are derived from these three parameters:

  • Time is in \(tau = \sqrt{m \sigma^2 / \epsilon}\),

  • Energies are in \(\epsilon\),

  • Velocities are in \(\sigma / \tau\),

  • Forces are in \(\epsilon / \sigma\),

  • Temperature is in \(\epsilon / k_\text{B}\),

  • Pressure is in \(\epsilon / \sigma^3\),

  • Density is in \(m / \sigma^3\),

where \(k_\text{B}\) is the Boltzmann constant.

Start coding

Let’s fill in the previously created class named Prepare. To facilitate unit conversion, we will import NumPy and the constants module from SciPy.

In the file named, add the following lines:

import numpy as np
from scipy import constants as cst

Four atom parameters are provided to the Prepare class:

  • the atom masses \(m\),

  • the LJ parameters \(\sigma\) and \(\epsilon\),

  • and the number of atoms.

All these quantities must be provided as lists of values. This will be useful later when we want to mix atoms of different types within the same simulation box.

Modify the Prepare class as follows:

class Prepare:
    def __init__(self,
                ureg, # Pint unit registry
                number_atoms, # List - no unit
                epsilon, # List - Kcal/mol
                sigma, # List - Angstrom
                atom_mass,  # List - g/mol
        self.ureg = ureg
        self.number_atoms = number_atoms
        self.epsilon = epsilon
        self.sigma = sigma
        self.atom_mass = atom_mass
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Here, number_atoms \(N\), epsilon \(\epsilon\), sigma \(\sigma\), and atom_mass \(m\) must be provided as lists where the elements have no units, kcal/mol, angstrom, and g/mol units, respectively. The units will be enforced with the Pint unit registry, ureg, which must also be provided as a parameter (more details later).

All the parameters are assigned to self, allowing other methods to access them. The args and kwargs parameters are used to accept an arbitrary number of positional and keyword arguments, respectively.

Calculate LJ units prefactors

Within the Prepare class, create a method called calculate_LJunits_prefactors that will be used to calculate the prefactors necessary to convert units from the real unit system to the LJ unit system:

def calculate_LJunits_prefactors(self):
    """Calculate the Lennard-Jones units prefactors."""
    # First define Boltzmann and Avogadro constants
    kB = cst.Boltzmann*cst.Avogadro/cst.calorie/cst.kilo  # kcal/mol/K
    kB *= self.ureg.kcal/self.ureg.mol/self.ureg.kelvin
    Na = cst.Avogadro/self.ureg.mol
    # Define the reference distance, energy, and mass
    self.ref_length = self.sigma[0]  # Angstrom
    self.ref_energy = self.epsilon[0]  # kcal/mol
    self.ref_mass = self.atom_mass[0]  # g/mol
    # Optional: assert that units were correctly provided by users
    assert self.ref_length.units == self.ureg.angstrom, \
        f"Error: Provided sigma has wrong units, should be angstrom"
    assert self.ref_energy.units == self.ureg.kcal/self.ureg.mol, \
        f"Error: Provided epsilon has wrong units, should be kcal/mol"
    assert self.ref_mass.units == self.ureg.g/self.ureg.mol, \
        f"Error: Provided mass has wrong units, should be g/mol"
    # Calculate the prefactor for the time (in femtosecond)
    self.ref_time = np.sqrt(self.ref_mass \
    # Calculate the prefactor for the temperature (in Kelvin)
    self.ref_temperature = self.ref_energy/kB  # Kelvin
    # Calculate the prefactor for the pressure (in Atmosphere)
    self.ref_pressure = (self.ref_energy \
    # Group all the reference quantities into a list for practicality
    self.ref_quantities = [self.ref_length, self.ref_energy,
        self.ref_mass, self.ref_time, self.ref_pressure, self.ref_temperature]
    self.ref_units = [ref.units for ref in self.ref_quantities]

This method defines the reference length as the first element in the sigma list, i.e., \(\sigma_{11}\). Therefore, atoms of type 1 will always be used for normalization. Similarly, the first element in the epsilon list (\(\epsilon_{11}\)) is used as the reference energy, and the first element in the atom_mass list (\(m_1\)) is used as the reference mass.

The reference time in femtoseconds is then calculated as \(\sqrt{m_1 \sigma_{11}^2 / \epsilon_{11}}\), the reference temperature in Kelvin as \(\epsilon_{11} / k_\text{B}\), and the reference pressure in atmospheres as \(\epsilon_{11} / \sigma_{11}^3\).

Finally, let us ensure that the calculate_LJunits_prefactors method is called systematically by adding the following line to the __init__() method:

def __init__(self,
    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Every time the Prepare class is initialized, all reference values will be calculated and stored as attributes of self.

Nondimensionalize units

Let us take advantage of the calculated reference values and normalize the three inputs of the Prepare class that have physical dimensions, i.e., epsilon, sigma, and atom_mass.

Create a new method called nondimensionalize_units within the Prepare class:

def nondimensionalize_units(self, quantities_to_normalise):
    for name in quantities_to_normalise:
        quantity = getattr(self, name)  # Get the attribute by name
        if isinstance(quantity, list):
            for i, element in enumerate(quantity):
                assert element.units in self.ref_units, \
                    f"Error: Units not part of the reference units"
                ref_value = self.ref_quantities[self.ref_units.index(element.units)]
                quantity[i] = element/ref_value
                assert quantity[i].units == self.ureg.dimensionless, \
                    f"Error: Quantities are not properly nondimensionalized"
                quantity[i] = quantity[i].magnitude # get rid of ureg
            setattr(self, name, quantity)
        elif len(np.shape(quantity)) > 0: # for position array
            assert element.units in self.ref_units, \
                f"Error: Units not part of the reference units"
            ref_value = self.ref_quantities[self.ref_units.index(element.units)]
            quantity = quantity/ref_value
            assert quantity.units == self.ureg.dimensionless, \
                f"Error: Quantities are not properly nondimensionalized"
            quantity = quantity.magnitude # get rid of ureg
            setattr(self, name, quantity)
            if quantity is not None:
                assert np.shape(quantity) == (), \
                    f"Error: The quantity is a list or an array"
                assert quantity.units in self.ref_units, \
                    f"Error: Units not part of the reference units"
                ref_value = self.ref_quantities[self.ref_units.index(quantity.units)]
                quantity = quantity/ref_value
                assert quantity.units == self.ureg.dimensionless, \
                    f"Error: Quantities are not properly nondimensionalized"
                quantity = quantity.magnitude # get rid of ureg
                setattr(self, name, quantity)

When a quantities_to_normalise list containing parameter names is provided to the nondimensionalize_units method, a loop is performed over all the quantities. The value of each quantity is extracted using getattr. The units of the quantity of interest are then detected and normalized by the appropriate reference quantities defined by calculate_LJunits_prefactors.

Let us also call the nondimensionalize_units from the __init__() method of the Prepare class:

def __init__(self,
    self.nondimensionalize_units(["epsilon", "sigma", "atom_mass"])

Here, the epsilon, sigma, and atom_mass parameters will be nondimensionalized.

Identify Atom Properties

Anticipating the future use of multiple atom types, where each type will be associated with its own \(\sigma\), \(\epsilon\), and \(m\), let us create arrays containing the properties of each atom in the simulation. For instance, in a simulation with two atoms of type 1 and three atoms of type 2, the corresponding atoms_sigma array will be:

\[\text{atoms_sigma} = [\sigma_{11}, \sigma_{11}, \sigma_{22}, \sigma_{22}, \sigma_{22}]\]

where \(\sigma_{11}\) and \(\sigma_{22}\) are the sigma values for atoms of type 1 and 2, respectively. The atoms_sigma array will facilitate future calculations of forces.

Create a new method called identify_atom_properties, and place it within the Prepare class:

def identify_atom_properties(self):
    """Identify the properties for each atom."""
    atoms_sigma = []
    atoms_epsilon = []
    atoms_mass = []
    atoms_type = []
    for parts in zip(self.sigma,
        sigma, epsilon, mass, number_atoms, type = parts
        atoms_sigma += [sigma] * number_atoms
        atoms_epsilon += [epsilon] * number_atoms
        atoms_mass += [mass] * number_atoms
        atoms_type += [type] * number_atoms
    self.atoms_sigma = np.array(atoms_sigma)
    self.atoms_epsilon = np.array(atoms_epsilon)
    self.atoms_mass = np.array(atoms_mass)
    self.atoms_type = np.array(atoms_type)

Let us call the identify_atom_properties from the __init__() method:

def __init__(self,
    self.nondimensionalize_units(["epsilon", "sigma", "atom_mass"])

Test the code

Let’s test the Prepare class to make sure that it does what is expected. Here, a system containing 2 atoms of type 1, and 3 atoms of type 2 is prepared. LJs parameters and masses for each groups are also defined, and given physical units thanks to the UnitRegistry of Pint.

import numpy as np
from Prepare import Prepare
from pint import UnitRegistry
ureg = UnitRegistry()

# Define atom number of each group
nmb_1, nmb_2= [2, 3]
# Define LJ parameters (sigma)
sig_1, sig_2 = [3, 4]*ureg.angstrom
# Define LJ parameters (epsilon)
eps_1, eps_2 = [0.2, 0.4]*ureg.kcal/ureg.mol
# Define atom mass
mss_1, mss_2 = [10, 20]*ureg.gram/ureg.mol

# Initialize the prepare object
prep = Prepare(
    ureg = ureg,
    number_atoms=[nmb_1, nmb_2],
    epsilon=[eps_1, eps_2], # kcal/mol
    sigma=[sig_1, sig_2], # A
    atom_mass=[mss_1, mss_2], # g/mol

# Test function using pytest
def test_atoms_epsilon():
    expected = np.array([1., 1., 2., 2., 2.])
    result = prep.atoms_epsilon
    assert np.array_equal(result, expected), \
    f"Test failed: {result} != {expected}"
    print("Test passed")

# In the script is launched with Python, call Pytest
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import pytest
    pytest.main(["-s", __file__])

This test asserts that the generated atoms_epsilon array is consistent with its expected value (see the previous paragraphs). Note that the expected values are in LJ units, i.e., they have been nondimensionalized by \(\epsilon_1\).