Monte Carlo displace¶

Here, a Monte Carlo simulation is implemented where the only allowed move is a displacement of the particles. The principle of such Monte Carlo simulation is the following:
1) We start from a given intial configuration, and measure the potential energy, \(E_\text{pot}^\text{initial}\).
2) One of the particles is picked and moved in a random direction. This displacement is made over a distance lower than a certain parameter, \(d_\text{mc}\).
The energy of the system after the move, \(E_\text{pot}^\text{trial}\), is measured.
4) We then have to decide to keep or reject the move. This is done by calculating the difference in energy between the trial and the initial configurations: \(\Delta E = E_\text{pot}^\text{trial} - E_\text{pot}^\text{initial}\).
If \(\Delta E < 0\), then the move is automatically accepted.
If \(\Delta E > 0\), then the move is accepted with a probability given by the Boltzmann factor \(\exp{- \beta \Delta E}\), where \(\beta = 1 / k_\text{B} T\) and \(T\) is the imposed temperature.
Steps 1-4 are repeated a large number of times, generating a broad range of possible configurations.
Let us add a method named monte_carlo_move to the MonteCarlo class:
def monte_carlo_move(self):
"""Monte Carlo move trial."""
if self.displace_mc is not None: # only trigger if displace_mc was provided by the user
# When needed, recalculate neighbor/coeff lists
# If self.Epot does not exist yet, calculate it
# It should only be necessary when step = 0
if hasattr(self, 'Epot') is False:
self.Epot = self.compute_potential()
# Make a copy of the initial atom positions and initial energy
initial_Epot = self.Epot
initial_positions = copy.deepcopy(self.atoms_positions)
# Pick an atom id randomly
atom_id = np.random.randint(np.sum(self.number_atoms))
# Move the chosen atom in a random direction
# The maximum displacement is set by self.displace_mc
move = (np.random.random(3)-0.5)*self.displace_mc
self.atoms_positions[atom_id] += move
# Measure the potential energy of the new configuration
trial_Epot = self.compute_potential()
# Evaluate whether the new configuration should be kept or not
beta = 1/self.desired_temperature
delta_E = trial_Epot-initial_Epot
random_number = np.random.random() # random number between 0 and 1
acceptation_probability = np.min([1, np.exp(-beta*delta_E)])
if random_number <= acceptation_probability: # Accept new position
self.Epot = trial_Epot
self.successful_move += 1
else: # Reject new position
self.atoms_positions = initial_positions # Revert to initial positions
self.failed_move += 1
The counters successful_move and failed_move are incremented with each successful and failed attempt, respectively.
The monte_carlo_move method requires a few parameters to be selected by the users, such as displace_mc (\(d_\text{mc}\), in Ångströms), the maximum number of steps, and the desired temperature (\(T\), in Kelvin). Let us add these parameters to the __init__() method:
class MonteCarlo(Measurements):
def __init__(self,
displace_mc = None,
self.maximum_steps = maximum_steps
self.displace_mc = displace_mc
self.desired_temperature = desired_temperature
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.nondimensionalize_units(["desired_temperature", "displace_mc"])
self.successful_move = 0
self.failed_move = 0
Run Method¶
Finally, let us add a run method to the MonteCarlo class that performs a loop over the desired number of steps, maximum_steps:
def run(self):
"""Perform the loop over time."""
for self.step in range(0, self.maximum_steps+1):
At each step, the monte_carlo_move() method is called. The previously defined wrap_in_box method is also called to ensure that the atoms remain inside the box. Additionally, let us call log_simulation_data() and update_dump_file():
def run(self):
for self.step in range(0, self.maximum_steps+1):
update_dump_file(self, "")
Test the Code¶
Let us use a similar test as before. Set a displacement distance corresponding to a quarter of sigma, and perform a very small number of steps:
from MonteCarlo import MonteCarlo
from pint import UnitRegistry
ureg = UnitRegistry()
import os
# Define atom number of each group
nmb_1= 50
# Define LJ parameters (sigma)
sig_1 = 3*ureg.angstrom
# Define LJ parameters (epsilon)
eps_1 = 0.1*ureg.kcal/ureg.mol
# Define atom mass
mss_1 = 10*ureg.gram/ureg.mol
# Define box size
L = 20*ureg.angstrom
# Define a cut off
rc = 2.5*sig_1
# Pick the desired temperature
T = 300*ureg.kelvin
# choose the displace_mc
displace_mc = sig_1/4
# Initialize the prepare object
mc = MonteCarlo(
ureg = ureg,
epsilon=[eps_1], # kcal/mol
sigma=[sig_1], # A
atom_mass=[mss_1], # g/mol
box_dimensions=[L, L, L], # A
desired_temperature=T, # K
displace_mc = displace_mc,
# Test function using pytest
def test_output_files():
assert os.path.exists("Outputs/"), \
"Test failed: dump file was not created"
assert os.path.exists("Outputs/simulation.log"), \
"Test failed: log file was not created"
print("Test passed")
# If the script is run directly, execute the tests
if __name__ == "__main__":
import pytest
# Run pytest programmatically
pytest.main(["-s", __file__])
The evolution of the potential energy as a function of the number of steps is recorded in the simulation.log file. The data in simulation.log can be used to plot the evolution of the system over time.