Start Coding¶
Let’s start with the Python script. During this first chapter, some Python files will be created and filled in a minimal fashion. At the end of this chapter, a small test will be set up to ensure that the files were correctly created.
To perform the molecular simulations, three key steps will be followed:
System Initialization: This step involves creating the simulation box, placing the atoms, and selecting the parameters for their interactions.
Energy Minimization: An energy minimization of the system will be carried out to position the atoms in reasonable relative locations and reduce the system’s energy.
Execution of the Main Algorithm: The main algorithm, either Monte Carlo or molecular dynamics, will then be executed.
In addition to these three key steps, some supplementary tasks will be performed, such as non-dimensionalizing units, measuring data, and outputting thermodynamic information during the simulation.
List of Files¶
For better readability, the code is split into separate files, with each file containing either Python functions or classes:
File Name |
Content |
---|---| |
Prepare class: Methods for preparing the non-dimensionalization of the units | |
Utilities class: General-purpose methods, inherited by all other classes | |
InitializeSimulation class: Methods necessary to set up the system and prepare the simulation, inherited by all the classes below | |
MinimizeEnergy class: Methods for performing energy minimization | |
MonteCarlo class: Methods for performing Monte Carlo simulations in different ensembles (e.g., Grand Canonical, Canonical) | |
MolecularDynamics class: Methods for performing molecular dynamics in different ensembles (NVE, NPT, NVT) | |
Measurements class: Methods for for performing specific measurements on the system | |
Functions for calculating the potentials and forces between atoms | |
Functions for outputting data into text files | |
Functions for outputting data into trajectory files for visualization | |
Functions for importing data from text files |
Some of these files are created in this chapter; others will be created later on. All of these files must be created within the same folder.
Potential for Inter-Atomic Interaction¶
In molecular simulations, potential functions are used to model the interaction between atoms. Although more complex options exist, potentials are usually defined as functions of the distance \(r\) between two atoms.
Create a file named This file will contain a function called potentials. For now, the only potential that can be returned by this function is the Lennard-Jones (LJ) potential, but this may change in the future.
Copy the following lines into
def potentials(epsilon, sigma, r, derivative=False):
if derivative:
return 48 * epsilon * ((sigma / r) ** 12 - 0.5 * (sigma / r) ** 6) / r
return 4 * epsilon * ((sigma / r) ** 12 - (sigma / r) ** 6)
Depending on the value of the optional argument derivative, which can be either False or True, this function returns the derivative of the potential, i.e., the force, \(F_\text{LJ} = - \mathrm{d} U_\text{LJ} / \mathrm{d} r\):
or the potential energy:
Here, \(\sigma\) is the distance at which the potential \(U_\text{LJ}\) is zero, \(\epsilon\) is the depth of the potential well, and \(r_\text{c}\) is a cutoff distance. For \(r > r_\text{c}\), \(U_\text{LJ} = 0\) and \(F_\text{LJ} = 0\).
Create the Classes¶
Let’s create the files with some minimal details about the classes and their inheritance. The classes will be developed progressively in the following chapters.
The first class is the Prepare class, which will be used for the nondimensionalization of the parameters. In the same folder as, create the file and copy the following lines into it:
class Prepare:
def __init__(self,
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
The second class is named Utilities. Within the file, copy the following lines:
from potentials import potentials
class Utilities:
def __init__(self,
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
The line from potentials import potentials is used to import the previously created potentials function.
Within the file, copy the following lines:
import os
import numpy as np
from Prepare import Prepare
from Utilities import Utilities
class InitializeSimulation(Prepare, Utilities):
def __init__(self,
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
The InitializeSimulation class inherits from the previously created Prepare and Utilities classes. Additionally, we anticipate that NumPy will be required [2]. We also anticipate that the os module, which provides a way to interact with the operating system, will be required [3].
Within the file, copy the following lines:
import numpy as np
from InitializeSimulation import InitializeSimulation
class Measurements(InitializeSimulation):
def __init__(self,
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
The Measurements class inherits from InitializeSimulation (and thus also inherits from the Prepare and Utilities classes).
Finally, let us create the three remaining classes: MinimizeEnergy, MonteCarlo, and MolecularDynamics. Each of these classes inherits from the Measurements class (and thus also from the Prepare, Utilities, and InitializeSimulation classes).
Within the file, copy the following lines:
from Measurements import Measurements
import numpy as np
import copy
import os
class MinimizeEnergy(Measurements):
def __init__(self,
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
The copy library, which provides functions to create shallow or deep copies of objects, is imported, along with NumPy and os.
Within the file, copy the following lines:
import numpy as np
import copy
from Measurements import Measurements
import warnings
class MonteCarlo(Measurements):
def __init__(self,
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
The ignore warnings commands are optional; they were added to avoid the annoying message “RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp” that is sometimes triggered by the exponential function of acceptation_probability (see the Monte Carlo displace chapter).
Finally, within the file, copy the following lines:
import numpy as np
from Measurements import Measurements
class MolecularDynamics(Measurements):
def __init__(self,
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Test the code¶
We can create simple tests to ensure that the classes are inherited as expected. Within the same folder, create a new Python file called, and copy the following lines into it:
# Import the required modules
from Utilities import Utilities
from MonteCarlo import MonteCarlo
# Make sure that MonteCarlo correctly inherits from Utilities
def test_montecarlo_inherits_from_utilities():
assert issubclass(MonteCarlo, Utilities), \
"MonteCarlo should inherit from Utilities"
print("MonteCarlo correctly inherits from Utilities")
# Make sure that Utilities does not inherit from MonteCarlo
def test_utilities_does_not_inherit_from_montecarlo():
assert not issubclass(Utilities, MonteCarlo), \
"Utilities should not inherit from MonteCarlo"
print("Utilities does not inherit from MonteCarlo, as expected")
# In the script is launched with Python, call Pytest
if __name__ == "__main__":
import pytest
pytest.main(["-s", __file__])
When run with Python, this script should return the following messages without any AssertionError:
MonteCarlo correctly inherits from Utilities
Utilities does not inherit from MonteCarlo, as expected
Alternatively, this test can also be launched using Pytest by typing in a terminal:
pytest .
We can also test that calling the __init__ method of the MonteCarlo class does not return any error. In new Python file called, copy the following lines:
# Import the MonteCarlo class
from MonteCarlo import MonteCarlo
# Define a function that try to call the *__init__()* method
def test_init_method():
MonteCarlo().__init__() # Call the method
print("Method call succeeded")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Method call raised an error: {e}")
# In the script is launched with Python, call Pytest
if __name__ == "__main__":
import pytest
pytest.main(["-s", __file__])
Running this second test with Python should return “Method call succeeded”.