Pressure Measurement

To extract the equation of state in our simulation, we need to measure the pressure of the system, \(p\). The pressure in a molecular simulation can be calculated from the interactions between particles. The pressure can be measured as the sum of the ideal contribution, \(p_\text{ideal} = N_\text{DOF} k_\text{B} T / V d\), which comes from the ideal gas law, and a Virial term that accounts for the pressure contribution from the forces between particles, \(p_\text{non_ideal} = \left< \sum_i r_i \cdot F_i \right> / V d\). The final expression reads [7]:

\[p = \dfrac{1}{V d} \left[ N_\text{DOF} k_\text{B} T + \left< \sum_i r_i \cdot F_i \right> \right]\]

\(N_\text{DOF}\) is the number of degrees-of-freedom, which can be calculated from the number of particles, \(N\), and the dimension of the system, \(d = 3\), as \(N_\text{DOF} = d N - d\) [7].

The calculation of \(p_\text{ideal}\) is straightforward. For Monte Carlo simulation, as atoms do not have a temperature, the imposed temperature will be used as “\(T\)”. The calculation of \(p_\text{non_ideal}\) requires the measurement of all the forces and distances between atoms. The calculation of the forces was already implemented in a previous chapter (see compute_force the Minimize the energy chapter), but a new function that returns all the vector directions between atom pairs will need to be written here.

Implement the Virial equation

Let us add the following method to the Measurements class:

def calculate_pressure(self):
    """Evaluate p based on the Virial equation (Eq. 4.4.2 in Frenkel-Smit,
    Understanding molecular simulation: from algorithms to applications, 2002)"""
    # Compute the ideal contribution
    Nat = np.sum(self.number_atoms) # total number of atoms
    dimension = 3 # 3D is the only possibility here
    Ndof = dimension*Nat-dimension
    volume =[:3]) # box volume
        self.calculate_temperature() # this is for later on, when velocities are computed
        temperature = self.temperature
        temperature = self.desired_temperature # for MC, simply use the desired temperature
    p_ideal = Ndof*temperature/(volume*dimension)
    # Compute the non-ideal contribution
    distances_forces = np.sum(self.compute_force(return_vector = False) \
    p_nonideal = distances_forces/(volume*dimension)
    # Final pressure
    self.pressure = p_ideal+p_nonideal

To evaluate all the vectors between all the particles, let us also add the evaluate_rij_matrix method to the Utilities class:

def evaluate_rij_matrix(self):
    """Matrix of vectors between all particles."""
    Nat = np.sum(self.number_atoms)
    Box = self.box_size[:3]
    rij_matrix = np.zeros((Nat, Nat,3))
    pos_j = self.atoms_positions
    for Ni in range(Nat-1):
        pos_i = self.atoms_positions[Ni]
        rij_xyz = (np.remainder(pos_i - pos_j + Box/2.0, Box) - Box/2.0)
        rij_matrix[Ni] = rij_xyz
    return rij_matrix

Test the code

Let us test the outputted pressure.

from MonteCarlo import MonteCarlo
from pint import UnitRegistry
ureg = UnitRegistry()
import os

# Define atom number of each group
nmb_1= 50
# Define LJ parameters (sigma)
sig_1 = 3*ureg.angstrom
# Define LJ parameters (epsilon)
eps_1 = 0.1*ureg.kcal/ureg.mol
# Define atom mass
mss_1 = 10*ureg.gram/ureg.mol
# Define box size
L = 20*ureg.angstrom
# Define a cut off
rc = 2.5*sig_1
# Pick the desired temperature
T = 300*ureg.kelvin
# choose the displace_mc
displace_mc = sig_1/4

# Initialize the prepare object
mc = MonteCarlo(
    ureg = ureg,
    epsilon=[eps_1], # kcal/mol
    sigma=[sig_1], # A
    atom_mass=[mss_1], # g/mol
    box_dimensions=[L, L, L], # A
    desired_temperature=T, # K
    displace_mc = displace_mc,

# Run the Monte Carlo simulation

# Test function using pytest
def test_output_files():
    assert os.path.exists("Outputs/"), \
    "Test failed: dump file was not created"
    assert os.path.exists("Outputs/simulation.log"), \
    "Test failed: log file was not created"
    print("Test passed")

# If the script is run directly, execute the tests
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import pytest
    # Run pytest programmatically
    pytest.main(["-s", __file__])

The pressure should be returned alongside the potential energy within simulation.log:

step Epot press
0 134248.72 4608379.27
10 124905.76 4287242.75
20 124858.91 4285584.40