Initialize the simulation¶

Here, the InitializeSimulation class is completed. This class is used to prepare the simulation box and populate it randomly with atoms. Improve the previously created InitializeSimulation class as follows:
class InitializeSimulation(Prepare, Utilities):
def __init__(self,
box_dimensions, # List - Angstroms
cut_off, # Angstroms
initial_positions=None, # Array - Angstroms
neighbor=1, # Integer
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.box_dimensions = box_dimensions
self.cut_off = cut_off
self.neighbor = neighbor
self.step = 0 # initialize simulation step
self.initial_positions = initial_positions
Several parameters are provided to the InitializeSimulation class:
The box dimensions, which is a list with 3 elements. Each element of the list corresponds to a dimension of the box in Ångström in the \(x\), \(y\), and \(z`\) directions, respectively.
The cutoff \(r_\text{c}\) for the potential interaction.
Optionally, initial positions for the atoms can be provided as an array of length corresponding to the number of atoms. If initial_positions is set to None, positions will be randomly assigned to the atoms (see below).
The neighbor parameter determines the interval between recalculations of the neighbor lists. By default, a value of 1 is used, meaning that the neighbor list will be reconstructed every step. In certain cases, this number may be increased to reduce computation time.
Note that the simulation step is initialized to 0.
Nondimensionalize units¶
Just like we did in Setting Up the Simulation, let us nondimensionalize the provided parameters, here the box_dimensions, the cut_off, as well as the initial_positions:
def __init__(self,
self.initial_positions = initial_positions
self.nondimensionalize_units(["box_dimensions", "cut_off",
Define the box¶
Let us define the simulation box using the values from box_dimensions. Add the following method to the InitializeSimulation class:
def define_box(self):
"""Define the simulation box. Only 3D boxes are supported."""
box_boundaries = np.zeros((3, 2))
for dim, L in enumerate(self.box_dimensions):
box_boundaries[dim] = -L/2, L/2
self.box_boundaries = box_boundaries
box_size = np.diff(self.box_boundaries).reshape(3)
box_geometry = np.array([90, 90, 90])
self.box_size = np.array(box_size.tolist()+box_geometry.tolist())
The box_boundaries are calculated from the box_dimensions. They represent the lowest and highest coordinates in all directions. By symmetry, the box is centered at 0 along all axes. A box_size is also defined, following the MDAnalysis conventions: Lx, Ly, Lz, 90, 90, 90, where the last three numbers are angles in degrees [4]. Values different from 90 for the angles would define a triclinic (non-orthogonal) box, which is not currently supported by the existing code.
Let us call define_box() from the __init__() method:
def __init__(self,
self.nondimensionalize_units(["box_dimensions", "cut_off",
Populate the Box¶
Here, the atoms are placed within the simulation box. If initial positions were not provided (i.e., initial_positions = None), atoms are placed randomly within the box. If initial_positions is provided as an array, the provided positions are used instead. Note that in this case, the array must be of size ‘number of atoms’ times ‘number of dimensions’.
def populate_box(self):
Nat = np.sum(self.number_atoms) # total number of atoms
if self.initial_positions is None:
atoms_positions = np.zeros((Nat, 3))
for dim in np.arange(3):
diff_box = np.diff(self.box_boundaries[dim])
random_pos = np.random.random(Nat)
atoms_positions[:, dim] = random_pos*diff_box-diff_box/2
self.atoms_positions = atoms_positions
self.atoms_positions = self.initial_positions
In case initial_positions is None, an array is first created. Then, random positions constrained within the box boundaries are defined using the random function from NumPy. Note that newly added atoms are placed randomly within the box, without considering overlaps with existing atoms. Overlaps will be addressed using energy minimization (see the Minimize the energy chapter).
Let us call populate_box from the __init__ method:
def __init__(self,
Build Neighbor Lists¶
In molecular simulations, it is common practice to identify neighboring atoms to save computational time. By focusing only on interactions between neighboring atoms, the simulation becomes more efficient. Add the following update_neighbor_lists() method to the Utilities class:
def update_neighbor_lists(self, force_update=False):
if (self.step % self.neighbor == 0) | force_update:
matrix = distances.contact_matrix(self.atoms_positions,
cutoff=self.cut_off, #+2,
neighbor_lists = []
for cpt, array in enumerate(matrix[:-1]):
list = np.where(array)[0].tolist()
list = [ele for ele in list if ele > cpt]
self.neighbor_lists = neighbor_lists
The update_neighbor_lists() method generates neighbor lists for each atom, ensuring that only relevant interactions are considered in the calculations. These lists will be recalculated at intervals specified by the neighbor input parameter.
For efficiency, the contact_matrix function from MDAnalysis is used [4]. The contact_matrix function returns information about atoms located at a distance less than the cutoff from one another.
Update Cross Coefficients¶
As the neighbor lists are being built, let us also pre-calculate the cross coefficients. This will make the force calculation more efficient (see below).
def update_cross_coefficients(self, force_update=False):
if (self.step % self.neighbor == 0) | force_update:
# Precalculte LJ cross-coefficients
sigma_ij_list = []
epsilon_ij_list = []
for Ni in np.arange(np.sum(self.number_atoms)-1): # tofix error for GCMC
# Read information about atom i
sigma_i = self.atoms_sigma[Ni]
epsilon_i = self.atoms_epsilon[Ni]
neighbor_of_i = self.neighbor_lists[Ni]
# Read information about neighbors j
sigma_j = self.atoms_sigma[neighbor_of_i]
epsilon_j = self.atoms_epsilon[neighbor_of_i]
# Calculare cross parameters
self.sigma_ij_list = sigma_ij_list
self.epsilon_ij_list = epsilon_ij_list
Here, the values of the cross coefficients between atom of type 1 and 2, \(\sigma_{12}\) and \(\epsilon_{12}\), are assumed to follow the arithmetic mean:
Finally, import the following libraries in the file:
import numpy as np
from MDAnalysis.analysis import distances
Let us call update_neighbor_lists and update_cross_coefficients from the __init__ method:
def __init__(self,
Test the Code¶
Let us test the InitializeSimulation class to ensure that it behaves as expected, i.e., that it creates atoms located within the box boundaries:
import numpy as np
from InitializeSimulation import InitializeSimulation
from pint import UnitRegistry
ureg = UnitRegistry()
# Define atom number of each group
nmb_1, nmb_2= [2, 3]
# Define LJ parameters (sigma)
sig_1, sig_2 = [3, 4]*ureg.angstrom
# Define LJ parameters (epsilon)
eps_1, eps_2 = [0.2, 0.4]*ureg.kcal/ureg.mol
# Define atom mass
mss_1, mss_2 = [10, 20]*ureg.gram/ureg.mol
# Define box size
L = 20*ureg.angstrom
# Define a cut off
rc = 2.5*sig_1
# Initialize the prepare object
init = InitializeSimulation(
ureg = ureg,
number_atoms=[nmb_1, nmb_2],
epsilon=[eps_1, eps_2], # kcal/mol
sigma=[sig_1, sig_2], # A
atom_mass=[mss_1, mss_2], # g/mol
box_dimensions=[L, L, L], # A
# Test function using pytest
def test_placement():
box_boundaries = init.box_boundaries
atoms_positions = init.atoms_positions
for atom_position in atoms_positions:
for x, boundary in zip(atom_position, box_boundaries):
assert (x >= boundary[0]) and (x <= boundary[1]), \
f"Test failed: Atoms outside of the box at position {atom_position}"
print("Test passed")
# If the script is run directly, execute the tests
if __name__ == "__main__":
import pytest
# Run pytest programmatically
pytest.main(["-s", __file__])
The value of the cutoff, chosen as \(2.5 \sigma_{11}\), is relatively common for Lennard-Jones fluids and will often be the default choice for us.